Farmer Business

Historic 2021 Shareholder Survey run by SurveyMonkey



This is one of 2 websites registered by Brian Marshall, with the aim of bringing openness and transparency to a company which, in my opinion as a shareholder, has been allowed to develop far too much secrecy in what it does and how it operates.

I want to change things, and have done so for 8 years. At last, under the new leadership of Pat Murphy, things are changing for the better. Actions have been taken that got rid of an overhang of foreign owned shares for which there was no market, and also to facilitate a raft of small fractional shareholders who wanted out. A change to the Constitution has allowed a woman be elected. The shareprice is now reflecting the true yield potential of the Company.

I am and have been using this website as a 'traffic-catcher' for the main website on FBDplc I am developing. It can be found by clicking here -

Padraig Walshe first announced [June'15th 2016] that the Company is going to have a website at, live from 1st July - but then he said, in June 2017, that the Company website was weeks away! This, the Company's dot com, hadn't even been registered, so I have saved the Company the embarrassment of having to try to pay off a cyber squatter, or worse - maybe someone who would have used the site for pornography or extremist views and dragged the Company's good name into the muck.

Profile of Brian Marshall, ATCL ( Communications and Public Speaking )
Owner of Farmer Business Developments .com

Brian Marshall age 65 ( amateur webmaster )
Happily married, to Diane, and we have 2 adult children, Kathryn and Susanne.
As well as running websites I am an equities investor. I was a 140 acre sheep and cattle farmer until a wrist injury forced my retirement from farming.
Brief C.V.:- Former Chairman East Donegal Co-operative Agricultural Society.
Member of Irish Farmers Association
Former member Irish Cattle & Sheep Farmers Association
Member MENSA
Former member Macra, where I held several committee posts, travelled as an ambassador, and won Regional communication competitions. I have also won District level competitions in Toastmasters

My LinkedIn profile is HERE

How did a farmer get into websites ? - In 2000, seeing the rapidly deteriorating financial situation in Irish beef and sheep farming, I started to register domains with an initial aim of selling them on. Having sold few, with support from Diane, I bought some software in 2001, read the manual and started to develop websites for myself. I now have approx. 40 simple affiliate marketing and Amazon Store type websites, having sold the website to Zatori in 2012.

I enjoy travel and experiencing different cultures, and have been to every major country in Europe, Nepal, Russia, India, Canada, the USA, Mexico, Thailand, Japan and the Spanish and Portuguese holiday islands.

If you want to contact me, you can phone or text me at 0866037290 from the Republic.

or 00353 8660 37290 from Northern Ireland / UK / Europe

Or send a letter to me at: -
County Donegal,
Ireland F93 HK79